PID 767

Archive: June 2019

Reflections from Our Bookshelf: You are a Badass

Reflections from Our Bookshelf: Musings on how we view reading a bit differently     You are a Badass By: Jen Sincero Reflection By: Sarah Mansbach   Why I read …

Market Commentary: Tarrifs may not be so tarrif-ic

Market Commentary: June, 2019 Tarrifs may not be so tarrif-ic By: Peter Nielsen, MBA, CFA®   The United States and China have a far longer trade history than many realize. …

Reflections from Our Bookshelf: The Obstacle is the Way

The Obstacle is the Way By: Ryan Holiday Reflection By: Kylie Felker   Why I read it? Solving problems has always been something I enjoy. However, I often see things …